El Instituto Italiano de SST (INAIL), miembro fundador de la Red Europea de innovación en Seguridad Industrial SAF€RA será el anfitrión del Simposio anual de la Red en 2025, que se celebrará en Roma (11-13 Marzo 2025).
PESI junto con la Plataforma Europea ETPIS (actualmente integrada dentro de la Red) fueron promotores de la creación de SAF€RA bajo el modelo de una ERAnet con financiación de la Comisión Europea. Actualmente la Red de Seguridad Industrial se financia con el apoyo de diferentes Institutos Nacionales Europeos de Seguridad y Salud Laboral (Austria, Finlandia, Italia, Noruega, Países Bajos, etc.), pero en el caso de España tan sólo el Instituto Vasco OSALAN es miembro de la Red, además de importantes entidades privadas y la propia PESI.
Los interesados en participar en el Simposio SAF€RA-2025 y enviar Comunicaciones (Papers, hasta 20-Sept en 1ª llamada), contactar urgentemente con la Secretaría Técnica de PESI (J. Larrañeta, móvil 626557208)
Dear SAF€RA community,
We are pleased to share an opportunity for SAF€RA stakeholders!
INAIL (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro), in collaboration with the ISSA (International Social Security Association), is organizing the first international conference on "Safety & Innovation".
This conference will focus on advanced solutions and innovative systems aimed at improving worker safety. It is a great platform for researchers, professionals, and organizations to present their cutting-edge work on safety innovations.
If you are interested in contributing, the call for papers deadline has been extended to September 20, 2024.
For more information on conference topics and submission guidelines, please visit: https://www.inail.it/portale/it/inail-comunica/eventi/evento.2024.08.prima-conferenza-internazionale-su-sicurezza-&-innovazione.html
We encourage all SAF€RA partners and researchers to participate and share their experiences and research in this valuable event!
Best regards,
The SAF€RA Secretariat
Conference topics
[1] Innovative technologies for safety
Info: Innovative technologies are very promising for safety at workplaces. We appreciate papers describing innovative solutions enhancing safety levels supporting workers during their activities on field or eliminating/reducing risks by design.
[2] Safety of innovative products
Info: New technologies embedded in products such as machines, vessels, plants and production lines, personal protective equipment (PPE) shall not affect the safety of the products themselves. We appreciate papers describing innovative products compliant with regulation, solutions to make them compliant and, very interesting, highlighting standardization gaps.
[3] Innovative systems for specialist training
Info: Innovative systems such as using VR, AR and MR are going to be studied and seem to be promising for worker’s training. Especially when the trainee will have to face high risks. Moreover, it’ll be interesting to highlight different national protocol or guidelines. We consider papers on the analysis of characteristics (field of application, technologies, …….) and evaluation of effectiveness of these new training models compared to traditional ones.
[4] Workspace safety
Info: The workspace is the volume allocated to one or more persons in the work system to complete a work task. Employers must manage the work system to allow safe working activity. We appreciate papers considering innovative solutions for work system design, focusing on relationship between work system design and the worker’s behaviour and skills.
[5] Safety of living environments and anthropic settlements
Info: The detection and remediation of polluting sources and the predictive control of
structures and plants is essential to prevent very important risks both for the extent of
the damage and for the extension of their effects to a large population. We appreciate
papers analyzing innovative procedures and technologies for remediation and control of human settlements and living environments.
[6] Systems for inclusive safety (gender difference, ageing population,
Info: Inclusive systems focus on the needs of every individual and ensure that the right
conditions are in place for each person to achieve their potential. Moreover, inclusion
should be reflected in an organization’s culture, practices and relationships that are in
place to support a diverse workforce.
We appreciate papers studying requirements and technical innovative solutions for
designing of tools, equipment, machines and building systems and innovative training
to achieve the same goal for safety & inclusion at work.
We invite authors interested in proposing technical-scientific papers, practice-related
papers, examples of good practice and case study to send the abstracts to
dit.segreteriaeventi@inail.it by September 20th, following the instructions below.